Tuesday 22 September 2015

This Is Me Genre ED

This is me

the film begins with a morbid grey looking hospital room with a discoloured man the grey dullness of the room and morbid expression on the nurse and mans faces represents how the man is feeling, this is backed up by the mans voiceover telling us about his condition, he uses humorous language to make the situation light hearted even though the imagery is rather bleak. the mans voice is narrating the entire sequence we know its the man as its he introduces himself as the unconscious man on the bed, this man is the main protagonist, in the short film world this is a syntactic code for the comedy genre, a non diegetic voice-over is played but  tone of the man's voice is contrapuntal to the imagery being seen, his voice is light-hearted and almost comedic in tone but the imagery is grey and bleak. the semantic codes point towards a much more morbid genre maybe like a horror however the voice-over means the text isn't abbarently decoded. in the flashback a non-diegetic soundtrack is played parallel to the man sitting in his garden in Hawaiian shorts this is comedic when he reveals he is sitting under the Heathrow flight path, making the music seem almost sarcastic to the viewer as the man and his garden seems rather idyllic sitting in his sunny suburban garden. a graphic match is seen entering the flashback as the man is in nearly the exact same position as in the hospital except in his sunny garden at home this represents that the mans life is not too much different at home than in the hospital bed. The semantic codes point towards this being a happy and jolly scene however the man looks sad and depressed, it is revealed that his garden is under the Heathrow flight path.

the man's wife when she is first seen in the hospital looks content and happy, the voice-over makes a snarly comment on having too much money and not enough time, as the women puts down a timer, in the real life this wouldn't  happen but it adds to semantic codes in the scene, and adds a sense of humour.the fact the woman is looking at cruise magazine and paying no attention to her husband, proves the contrapuntal voiceover right when he says later on she got £10 million from the lawsuit from his accident.Bertie describes her as 'cash rich and time poor' as she puts down a timer on the side, even though the timer is down she pays no attention to her comatose husband representing she is only popping by in order to keep the money, as she is living the high life while he is here stuck in a hospital bed. another flashback is seen when explaining how Bertie got the injury, a small boy is seen entering an airport and when the voice-over says 'talking of inconveniences' the boy breaks the generic film code and turns and faces the camera this is technique used in comedies and is part of discontinuity editing, this is to remind the audience that you are watching a film and helps add to the humor of the clip, during this it cuts back to Bertie 'saying 'this is max' bertie is also facing the camera head on a graphic match of the previous scene. Bertie puts emphasis on the word Max when he says is showing the reader the man holds a bitterness to the boy as he has put him in this situation. however Bertie continues explaining the story.

 the same emphasis the bertie put on to the word Max he puts on when explaining what causes his injury the 'toy Trinket plane' showing he is not happy but also amazed at how such random events led to him being hospitalized. Bertie says 'this is why it is said these toys are for children aged five or older, as running parallel to this piece of audio it can be seen that the small boy is wearing a t-shirt stating that he is four, this piece of parallel editing is smart and very humorous. when explaining which flight the boy boarded a tone change is heard in the mans voice and the pace of editing increases Bertie sounds a bit angrier and is speaking louder and faster, after this Bertie says as the boy is seen going to the toilet, 'thats it son get it out your system' talking about the toy plane in the boys bowels but aslo referring to how heated Bertie gets talking about it as that is a common phrase used when someone is going off on a rant.
 the fact that Bertie is now talking from his garden and no longer a voice-over of the hospital bed brings a nicer mood to the video as the garden is lit nicely and is no longer bleak and grey. Elevator music is playing throughout these scenes it too is a happy song and the imagery used is interesting and bright adding a sense of comedy to the scenes as the audience know what is going to happen and it is rather morbid but is being told in a humorous fashion, this is called dramatic irony. Occasionally Bertie will go out of character from his story and remind the audience he isnt happy about wehat has happened even though he is telling the story in a comedic sarcastic fashion as he refers the the blue ice as '10 stone of frozen turd hurdling towards the ground faster than superman...' this again shows the resentment he has for not only the boy and the placement of his house under a flight path but also the aviation company for their frozen poop misshap.

1 comment:

  1. Level 4 - very good analysis here Ed and really good use of terminology.
    Hope you enjoyed this one.
