Tuesday 22 September 2015

The man who couldnt stop putting things in bins analysis ED

The man who couldnt stop putting things in bins 

the short film the man who couldn't stop putting things in bins is done in a documentary style with a comedic twist, it begins with a selection of jump cuts, the audio is distorted and the cuts are a second long each, representing the craziness that this mans condition inflicts on the house and to his girlfriend, his girlfriend is visibly distressed and the use of jump cuts helps to reaffirm the girlfriends stress. After the establishing sequence of jump cuts the title sequence plays the simplistic white on black title scene shows the film is of a documentary genre as this is a commonly used title theme in documentary and educational films. Jump cuts and a very fast pace of editing helps to represent to the audience the madness of the mans condition and how he has little to no control of what he is doing. even when talking one on one to the camera he is visibly agitated from his body language and is refraining from putting things in bins.The mans dialogue is jumpy and out of character when agitated about his bin conditon.

The lighting used in these scenes is homey and gives the audience a sense they are in a real home as it also rather messy and not like a made up show home. the setting of all of the scenes is cramped and messy, the messiness represents to the audience the mans mental health state as he obviously has a serious condition and the messiness of his home really backs this up to the viewers.

The man's girlfriend is visibly tired of the mans condition, the audience can tell this from her body language as she seems tired and reluctant to help the man with his condition as she has obviously been helping him for a longer time than the camera crew has been there. the low quality camera used and the shaky handheld camera also helps to create a sense of reality that these two people are real and the mans condition is real too, this style of filming also helps to get across real human emotion to the viewer as it seems a lot more real than some of the made up and edited short films i have seen.The flim maker uses repitition to really engrave into the audiences mind the frustation she goes through on a daily basis, 'dont put that in the bin Charlie...    ... or that ...  OR THAT....'.

the is a sense of comedy to the sequence as well, not only how ridiculous the mans condition is but the almost slapstick comedy the couple take part in when Charlie attempts to put things in the bin, continuity is broken a lot when the girlfriend faces the camera and explains ways she try to help charlies condition, however in the documentary genre this is a common occurrence as information or facts are often given by addressing the camera this way.

Disability is addressed in a few scenes as the girlfriend believes that he should be a bin man, and mentions if not he should go on disability, the man gets very touchy about this as he believes he is not disabled however the imagery and the mans body language and dialogue points otherwise, his stammer when agitated about his condition shows the audience he is going through difficulties in day to day actions and is a good representation of how some disabled people may feel about admitting they are disabled as that can be a difficult and confident affecting time. throughout the course of the film tensions in the household become higher and higher which coincides with the film crew saying less and less showing that even the documentary style film crew are feeling uncomfortable not about the mans condition but his relationship with his girlfriend, the ending to the film is very comedic as tension are raised so high the man attempts to bin his girlfriend, anger and frustration is then seen on the mans face and the final scene of the film is the man placing the camera mans camera in the bin which shows the audience that the man has no control of his condition and accurately represents the frustration and helplessness of the man.

1 comment:

  1. are you sure that these are jump cuts?

    A good analysis Ed

    Level 3 high
