Tuesday 22 September 2015

Maybe One Day analysis ED

maybe one day begins with an establishing shot of a middle aged man in bed the camera tracks him as i he gets up revealing his room, there is a blue tint to the lighting suggesting the man may be. the man's facial expression upon waking up is tired and fed up, he is bored of his life and they have used alot of conventions along with lighting camera work and mise en scene to show this. the setting of the man's house is plain and simple there is not alot on the ways in any room and it is mostly white, he has a very plain house and lifestyle. we know this because in the non-diegetic voice-over the man talks in a mundane tone and mentions how he has memorised the routine to his day, '12 steps to the bathroom...  ... 78 brushes of the teeth..  .. 29cm of floss' he speaks in a repetitive rhythm this shows the audience how tired he is of the everyday routine of his life. the soundtrack is also non-diegetic and has a very slow pace, it too is repetitive. the empty to do list taunts the man, this shows the audience the man may be depressed and has nothing in his life to do.

there is a theme of routine throughout the film and the voice-over picks up on this mentioning how even inconsistent things such as the the weather i routinely inconsistent. around 2 minutes into the film there is a change in soundtrack before the man reaches his place of work, the soundtrack changes from a slow monotonous space like soundtrack to a more fast beat and lively piano sound track, coinciding with this the weather takes a change for the better lighting up the man's face, only when the weather changes does the man look around from staring almost right past the camera to actually looking around and taking in his surroundings. his facial expression also changes and the topic of the voice-over changes from his ever continuing routine to his life journey 'but as i struggle up this 40 year hill, i have to consider what i will see at the top' this is when life i seen in the man's face as the music builds the camera and the man pan around 180 degrees, this represents the sudden mind frame change of the man, this combined with the weather and music change really shows how the man is having a revaluation.  This is where the man begins to break his routine, he no longer looks bored and depressed as he has found some inside voice to help make him happy.

The tone of the voice-over changes and the man begins to use a wider vocabulary, even Italian 'ariva derci the city' he says while his facial expression changes and smiles can be seen. the man no longer stares straight ahead and can be seen enjoying the scenery and other aspects to life. as he is of the train and taxi enigma is being built as to where he is going. from his break in routine the audience can guess it isn't going to be the city. as the man leaves the train the last bit of modern life tying him to his daily routine he leaves the train with the voice-over saying 'bonjour la country' and begins to run with an over joyous look on his face. the camera style used in this film helps to see a journey of the man's emotions he begins the day looking bored and colourless however as he explodes out of the train into the country side his face appears full of colour and happy, almost the opposite to what was earlier seen of the man.

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