Monday 21 September 2015

Black Hole ED

The Black Hole
The black hole begins with a panning dolly shot of a boring and mundane office, the lighting used in the office is low and bleak with a blue tinge, and this lighting has depressed connotations. At the end of the dolly shot the audience is met with a very tired looking office worker, his usual 9-5 office clothes are dirty and crumpled showing the audience he is at the end of the working day or doing over time, his face looks tired and fed up with the same repetitive photocopying everyday the audience can tell this from the diegetic beeping noises heard by the man.  A document coming out of the printer that he didn’t photocopy peaks the mans interest, on the document an unnaturally dark circle, darker than any shadows in the scene due to a slight fade added in post production, really stands out to both the audience as something different in the scene.  In-between scenes sound bridges are used throughout the hole short film whether it is the repetitive photocopier noise at the start of the short film however as the film progresses the almost alien noise of the paper helps to sound bridge between scenes, however in the final few scenes when the man is locked in the safe the sound of the photocopier returns. The setting of the short film is in a same-ish office block in early 2000s as the computers and appliances are all dated.  In this scene the camera    angle is different from all other eye level angles, it is inside the black hole on the paper, we can tell this from the angle of the camera, the noise that is playing diegetically the noise that is normally played when something is past through the hole, but instead is constant and not as intense and finally some sort of filter is added to make the office seem different from inside the hole. This is to give the audience a sense of tension and build up suspense. As the scenes continue and the man realizes the potential of the black hole.

 The noises from the black hole gradually start to increase and intensify. The man realizes how the hole can be used, and his face lights up, that split second the man smiles it is alien to the audience due to his mundane and expressionless facial expression from before the black hole. A vending machine is a culprit to the mans new discovery and is his first greed based act, free chocolate, the lighting around the machine is dark and low key suggesting something sinister, I believe it is foreshadowing to a more greedy act in the later scenes.  During all of this the noise being diegetically exerted from the paper is growing in intensity slowly but surely, as the man plays on his greed first a chocolate bar then the offices money, we can visibly see he is overworked from his messy hair and dirty crumpled office clothes and his movements become more erratic as he pulls more and more money out of the safe, this is when the diegetic music builds to a climax and it gives the audience a feeling of his greed is making him ignore the noise. The editing frequency increases as well giving some tension and meaning to this part of the scene making them feel the man is getting carried away with greed. The final message to the audience is a wobbly of the tape holding on the paper to the safe and final bit of foreshadowing until the man meets his karma.

1 comment:

  1. "The noises from the black hole" - you should be using terms ED - the diegetic sound effects are ....
    Good that you don't ignore editing.

    Level 3.
