Thursday 24 September 2015

"Brady" - Short Film Analysis

The opening shot of this short film is a close up of someone being dressed. After two jump cut we fee a close up of a little boys face. Because of the close up we can see that his facial expression is very sad looking. Aldo we can see that there are handles behind him, this shows us that he is in a wheelchair. The titles then come on screen after a fade to black. The font is very simple with the letters in capitals on a black background. This is the point the non-diegetic starts. It is fairly loud and has a sad and emotional feel to it despite having only a few instruments. A long shot of the little boys bedroom is very stereotypical of what you would expect someone his age to have, because of the shot type and the composition in the frame we are able to see props such has a globe, world map and solar system poster. As well as this we also see Brady's mum carry him from the wheelchair and onto the bed. This lets the audience know right front he beginning the severity of his disability and that he cant use his legs at all. The non-diegetic sound then drops when his mum exits the room and turns the light off. It goes from quite a high pitched tone to a lower pitch, this signifies the drop in his emotion as she leaves, therefore telling the audience that he doesn't like to be alone or away from his mother. By doing this it shows that the relationship between Brady and his mum is very close and he is quite attached to her, this may be because of his disability.  Along with the change in non-diegetic sound, there is a heightened Foley effect. The sound of the clock ticking suddenly gets very loud, showing how Brady is listening to it, thinking the time is going very slowly.

The next shot is of a new setting, the kitchen. A cleverly composed shot of the mum reveals a lot about her life. Firstly you have how cluttered everything is. There are pieces of paper pinned up on every bit of spare space along with a box filled with loose sheets. She also is drinking some wine, and not just a glass. There is a large wine glass and a bottle, and when she pours it we can see it is nearly empty. From this scene we are also let known that she is a single mother as there is no partner around or anything suggesting there is someone to help her. During this scene we can see that she isn't thinking about the work shes doing as when she pours her drink, she imagines it as someone jumping into water. The red in the wine shifts over to red swimming shorts, along with this the change in colour from very bright yellow light to dark grey shows us it is an imagination.

We start to get hints that the mother in in love with the swimming instructor from her on, through a mixture of shot type, angle and body language. The first hint we get is when there is a long shot of them arriving at the pool. Both the mum and the swimming instructor touch bend down to talk to Brady and when they touch hands it is shown through a close up. This shows that it is significant and the director wants us to notice it. The time when Brady is in the swimming pool with the instructor, the mother is pretending to read a magazine however you can see that she is not reading it but watching. Normally you would think that she was watching her son but a very important shot shows that it is not the case. There is a medium shot of the group following from an eye line match from the mums point of view, in the pool and then it zoom in, however the closer it gets it goes into a close up of the swimming instructor not her son. Accompanied by the non-diegetic music the shot is something similar to one you would get in a teenage high school movie when someone has an inappropriate crush on the teacher or hunk of the school.

After this they are drying off. There is a long shot which lasts for a very long time, nearly a minute. This shot is from the point of view of Brady. He watches his mum get rejected from he instructor. During the conversation you cant really hear what they are saying but the swimming instructor does shake his head and then pass the number back. Brady may think that his is because of him.

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