Wednesday 16 December 2015

Poster Drafts & Final Poster Design.

                                                                FINAL DESIGN
 After much deliberation between mine and kates poster design we have chosen this poster as our final poster design as aesthetically it is maybe not the best poster however what the poster tells the potential audience speaks alot more. the reflected words help portray our mirror theme along with the reflected people from the top half of the image, however their reflections are the reflections seen in the mirror in our short film mirror. i overlayed a dusty effect over the images to imitate as dirt6y mirror and there is a silver bar running underneath the title mirror ther colour itself has connotations of mirrors or metallic shiny objects.


Monday 14 December 2015

Style Conventions- little white lies

Plan for the "Little White Lies" review

  • Previous Work (The Next Three Days)
  • Fantasy mirror appearances, usually child friendly, this film comes from a different point of view. 
Summary information about protagonist and key players
  • Aidan- film beginning with him (main character) buy a seemingly normal mirror.
  • Traits 
  • Evaluation of performance
Key Themes, issues and plot
  • Summary of the plot (Paranormal mirror/Change of  mood)
Change in genre
  • Narrative devices how they are used
  • Mise en scene + effect on audience 
Reviewers experience of the film 
  • Opinion and view of the whole film
Summary Sentence

Monday 7 December 2015

Little White Lies - Layout Conventions

"Little White Lies" reviews always have the exact same layout, as you can see in the spread above. They do change over time but only by very small detail. As we are making a review for the particular magazine we want it to look exactly how it would in the real thing.To be able to do this we have to take a detailed look at what the conventions are of a" Little White Lies" review

Little White Lies Research

Little White Lies, what is it?
Little White Lies is a high end, internationally distributed film magazine. The content is split into 3 different acts. The first being the lead review, then there is a series of feature articles inspired by the film on the front cover, the final section is the reviews section which can also feature interviews from different directors and stars of the movies.

Who reads it?
There is a certain group of people who buy and read "Little White Lies". These are firstly men, aged between 25-35 who work in the creative industry. The magazine itself costs £6 per copy but many people buy it on subscription, this maintains the audience and shows that you have to have money to spare to buy the magazine or be dedicated to the content. The readers of the magazine will be very different to the audience of our short film, this is because our target audience is both sexes aged between 15-19.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

I Thought I Told You To Shut Up Film Poster Analysis

The short film poster is done a bit differently to many other film posters i have seen, this one contains no imagery only illustrations this give the angry looking milkman on the cover of the poster a very comedic edge as it is drawn in an almost cartoonistic style, the largest name on the front of this poster is the narrator, Jonathan Demme. the cartoon milkman on the front is not the main character of the documentary, but the focus point. there is no tagline however i believe the title in itself has that blunt cleverness to it, properties of a tagline. the illustration style on the poster is continued through into the short film, linking the two and creating some really cool animation. the title is in large bubbly black font at the top of the poster, it is a textured font which gives it some age, the look of the milkman and his van show the audience that the illustrations are not set in our time frame but perhaps a couple of decades ago. the billing block at the bottom of the page is done in a different font to the title however looks and works well as a billing block, beneath of it are the production companies such as milkman productions 2015, Bellmedia, BravoFACTUAL and La Rue. next to these is the website i really enjoy the overall layout of the poster from text to image, hte large title at the top is shown above some very effective illustrations in both the foreground and background of the image, and some more condensed info-graphic text at the bottom of the page ties the needed information into the poster.

The 414's film poster analysis

The 414's: The Original Teenage Hackers

The film poster for the 414s is a dark poster with bold lighter font displaying the titles and actors names etc. the actors names are displayed on the bottom of the poster, the fact the actors names are noticeably smaller than most of the other font sizes on the poster tells the audience that the actors are not very well known. above the title is a sun dance film awards sticker showing it has made its way to winning a sun dance award, this tells the audience that although the actors are not very well known the actual short film must be very good as it has won awards. the main chunk of text 'The 414's' is placed over a dark black background meant to be shadow, this makes the title stand out especially in the colour chosen, the style of the text is almost a metal chrome that is slightly aged, this fits in with the time frame of the movie as from what the imagery on the poster is telling us it is set in the 80s, we can tell this from the style of clothes the man in the picture is wearing but also from the props the old style t.v and phone and the newspaper clipping up on the wall shows latest news story's such as 'details emerge on raids into US computers'. The tagline for the movie is 'change your passwords.' this not only links in with the title 'teenage hackers' but also fits in with the imagery on the poster with computers and keyboards. The website is displayed on the bottom of the poster there are no critics comments at all on the poster, this helps with the look of the poster as it is an aesthetic poster and looks very nice, more text would clutter the image, however critics comments would help to give the viewer of the poster a better idea of the quality of the film.

Sunday 29 November 2015

"Dreams of a life" Film Poster Analysis

"Dreams of a life" is a low budget British film,
The overall colour of the film poster is very dark. It is mainly dark grey, with the only light being what is coming through the window. The dark colour theme really co insides with the tag line "If you went missing...would anyone come looking" as this is a pretty dark sentence and a representation about what is coming in the film.The main image features a woman standing up in what looks like a flat, looking out of a window. The camera is shooting from behind and with the lighting coming from the front the woman is pretty much just a silhouette. Through the props we can see that the inside of the flat, presumably hers, is quite dismal.The only things we can see lying round are some house plants, it has a very clinical feel to it. The woman is standing looking out the window down onto what looks vaguely like a town/city. The way the bright light is coming through the window signals how much better life outside is. It is much happier and maybe the woman is idealising it. This may give some clues about what is to come in the narrative. However the main give away is the news paper clipping inserted at the bottom left hand corner. It has a headline stating "Woman dead in flat for 3 years". This really gives away what the film is about as you can link the woman in the main image to the newspaper clipping. 

The layout of the poster is very simple, with the main image taking up the whole of the background. There are some reviews on the left hand side but they are fairly small and don't disrupt the main picture. The title takes the centre is a very plain font, I would say it looks like a font you would typically see on a "Rom-Com". However from having the newspaper clipping on the poster it reminds me of what you would see in a news paper, sort of a "Times New Roman" type font.

The genre of the film is represented by the title, tag line and main image. To me it say that it is a thriller documentary. This is because the thriller part coming from the newspaper clipping and dark colours. The fact that it is about a death instantly tells us the genre. The documentary comes again from the newspaper clipping, it is a real clipping and that tells us that it has actually happened in real life. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

"The story of Ginger and Snapper" Short film Poster analysis

The layout of this film poster is very organised and symmetrical. The title is in the centre toward the top. The font is very simple and it is all in capital letters. The names "Ginger" and "Snapper" are much larger than the rest of the title. This is probably because they are the main characters who also feature in the main image. Also is kind of at a bend outwards making the two names stand out even more. The title is orange just like the rest of the poster but slightly lighter so it is easier to read. It doesn't give much away as much as the main image does, as the only thing its telling us is that we are going to find out the story of the two main characters. It could be something like how they met or what they do in the apocalypse.
The other text on the page is a tag line saying "Friendship is all you need in a zombie apocalypse..." This along with the main image is very telling of what the narrative is going to be. It gives of a very and light heated vibe and tells us that the overall feel of the film is going to be about something positive in a bad situation.

The main image is 2 cartoon characters one being a normal girl and the other, being what looks from the behind, a zombie. They are sat on the edge of a rooftop looking out over the distance at the skyline with the sun setting. Although we know the short film is about an apocalyptic world their body language and the overall colour tells us that it is not horror it is some sort of comedy. The zombie and human are holding hands which shows unity, they are friends and the zombie means no harm (unlike a lot of zombie themed films). The overall colour is very orangey toned. They are very warm and inviting colours, particularly the yellow in the sun. Yellows and oranges are usually conventional in a romance film, so although the tag line talks about friendship there may be something more but you have to watch the film to find out. The setting, looking out across the skyline, is also very romantic and very typical of what you would see on a normal non-animated film poster. There is nothing in the image that tells us anything bad is going to happen.

On this film poster there is the stars of the films names, this is unconventional for a short film as the actors are not well known and as the main point of a movie poster is to sell the film and entice people to watch them, therefore putting a random actors name would not serve the purpose of the product.

"Ghost Tour" Short film poster analysis

The layout of this poster is very distorted. The main image covers the whole of the film poster, it is a birds eye view of a room as if the ceiling has been taken off and someone is looking in. This image is at an angle and a shadow of a human is featured in the middle. All of the text is pushed to the top and bottom of the poster. The image definitely gives away what the short film is about. The dark candle-lit room partnered with the shadow tells us it is either a thriller or horror. Another feature which hints at the genre and plot is the tag line which says "We all have to go sometime." This tells us that death is involved, the fact that it is all in capital letters adds that extra sinister edge. The tag line matches the main title of the short film "Ghost Tour". The font of the title is quite and old fashioned looking font, it is fairly skinny but still look is bold on the page. It is a slightly off white -yellowy colour, it is the same colours as where the light hits the tiles on the floor in the main image.

There is the institutional block at the bottom just above the logo of the production company and the release date, all in the same font as all the other text. Having a release date it very unusual for a short film poster as they usually are released at a film festival and public viewing is staggered. 

The overall colours of the film poster are very dark, the outer edge is all black and dark browns and gets lighter towards the middle so its clear to see the shadow. All the furniture in the room is dark mahogany which is slightly red. The mixture of all the dark colours mixed with the red connoted death and evil. The colours on this poster are very important as you instantly know what genre the film is without reading the title or looking at the main image.

Due to the main image being a room with a shadow it is impossible to tell who the main characters are or what happens due to there being no body language or facial expressions to analyse. However this does create enigma, which is typical of a horror. We don't know who the shadow is off or where the room is, which leaves the audience asking questions and in turn hopefully making them watch the film. The mise en scene of the whole poster works really well to display the themes and genre of the movie with out giving too much away. The props used are all old fashioned looking, there is a chair and sofa set with a large lamp on a wooden unit. All the same reddish colour and look like they have come from an old gothic mansion. The composition of the shadow is very clever as it is the main thing you look at with out actually being that big.

Survey Results


This is our survey template, we made it then gave it out to 15 of our friends who are our target audience.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Filming Day Two

We started to film the ending on a different day as unfortunately the camera battery died on the first day of filming.

We were filming in the same location as before in the Toll House. For the ending we needed a shopkeeper who was older looking and not around our age, fortunately we got Christine a worker there to play the Shopkeeper.

Kate played the part of the Final girl buying the mirror. 
This is Ed filming the shot of the final girl walking in. 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Our Equipment

Canon Tribal T2I


Umbrella Lights

Zoom Sound recorder

Filming Day 1

On the first day of filming we were at the setting of the shop. It was dark outside so we had to make sure we got the lighting right. We used an umbrella light as we had to have it quite bright but it was softened. We also used a Canon Tribal t2i to film with on a tripod. 

As we were in quite a small place we had to make special care not to break anything as there were lots of glass objects on the shelves. Another problem we had to keep making special effort for was reflections. There were 4 people in the small shop so we had to make sure you couldn't see anyone as well as the equipment.  

The picture below is one of the many different angles we used.

 The video shows us filming one shot as Aidan walks through the door.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Dolly Shot

This was a quick run through of a dolly zoom we did this to get a better idea and practice for what we need to do on set. A dolly zoom is where the camera moves backwards as the camera zooms in at the same speed meaning the object remains constant and doesn't change in scale, however the background moves in a way similar to parallax. We intend to use this shot before one of our characters looks into the mirror to see her future, hopefully it will give the effect that the world around her is closing in on her, we intend to use this shot to add emphasis to the emotions she would be feeling at the time, nervous anxiety.

This shot is used in la haine a french film, the two boys are seen leaning against a rail as the camera moves back and zooms in the boys appear to get closer however the background seems to get further away.

Heath & Safety Considerations

When filming there are some heath and safety risks which we need to be aware of and avoid.
  • The lights: When filming with lights they can get very hot and can sometimes inflict burns because of this we need to take care when handling them.
  • Tripod: Although sounding silly we are using a tripod at all times which is a tripping hazard.
  • Location: In both our settings we are not in a place owned by us. Firstly it is a shop then it is someone's house, because of this we need to be very careful not to make a mess or break anything. 
  • Camera: Cameras are expensive, therefore we must handle it with care and make sure we don't break or damage it.
  • Props: Our main prop is a mirror, it is very big and is owned by Ed's Mum. If smashed or damaged we will be in big trouble as well as it being dangerous as it is glass. Because of this we will handle with care and make sure it is in a safe place to film with. 

Shooting Schedule

We are planing to film our short film in two parts. The first being the beginning and end scenes, then a few days later we will film the middle. This is as we have two different settings so it is easier this way. We will begin filming on the 10th November and finish on the 12th November. We are aware this is after the filming deadline but due to some unforeseen issues in our group we had to postpone it to week later than originally planned. 

Monday 9 November 2015

Sound and Script

We are making a real effort regarding sound in this project. This is because last year we really messed it up. We forgot to record the dialogue and Foley effects separately and when it came to editing we really struggled to make it sound good and realistic, because of this we made an attempt at re-recording the sound after and editing it in but it didn't have the right effect and we were very annoyed.

We are recording the dialogue through a microphone connected to the camera, this will enable us to have all the scripted stuff sounding realistic and clear for the audience. We are also going to record the Foley's separately although we don't have that many.  


Our target audience is 15-19 year olds both genders. We decided on this for 3 different reasons.
  1. We like the film, both Ed and I are really enthusiastic about the plot itself, we are biased but we had researched similar films and both really liked them and it inspired us to make a similar film. 
  2. We wanted to make a film which would appeal to this age group as it is easier for us to get audience feedback as we are always around this age group.
  3. Thirdly, we think our film would be shown on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. These websites main audience is this age group so they would be the type of people to watch it if they came across our short film.


Setting 1: Cafe/Shop-
We are filming the beginning and end in Eds workplace, the Toll House Cafe in Lindfield. All the scenes when the main character buys and returns the mirror we are using this location. The setting suits our needs and as Ed works there we got permission easily.

Setting 2: Mickys House-
For the scenes when we are filming all the mirror bits we are using a bedroom which is big enough for us to use a variety of shots. We are using a friends house as both mine and Ed's bedroom are not suitable.

Monday 2 November 2015

Title - First Draft

  • Our title is very simple with just a plain font with capital letters just with one "R" reflected, this matches with what the title is and with the plot of the short film. 
  • We like that their is a contrast between the black and white. This represents the mirror as in our plot it has the good side as well as the bad. The bad side of the mirror leaves a bigger impact on the character who experienced it so the fact that it is bigger represents that.

Our Title Ideas

When both Ed and I researched Short Films we both found a lot of them had a black background with white writing. Originally that is what we were going to use. Also we wanted to reflect an "R" We found the font we were going to do and reflected the R. Then we added and effect of a dirty mirror and reflected it to get our first draft of what we want our titles to look like. 

The Mirror Effect

Regarding the mirror scenes we are planning to add an effect on it to make it look older. We are either going to do this by physically making the mirror look old or by adding a filter during the editing process. This clip from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone shows an antique mirror with the same effect we want ours to have. They also have possible filming techniques we want to use to make our mirror scenes look realistic and believable.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Title Sequence Graphic Match Test

 Graphic Match Test

This was a a quick test film we did in order to get a better idea of how our graphic match shall look, a graphic match is an editing technique used to help pass time by continuing an action or constant image throughout the scenes for example in this scene I am passing in front of a computer in room A, there is no indication of time passing however maybe a clock on the wall will help to show that, but in this example in room B, my pacing up and down is the constant movement linking the two scenes and the computer scene is still in the scene near enough exactly where it was in room A.

In our actual project we intend to use a much larger mirror meaning it will be more obvious the top left hand corner of the object is helping to transfer us from one location to another. We will also have a clearer room difference and larger rooms to play with, meaning we can have a larger variety of shots as apposed to just a MS or closer as the rooms we used for this were quite space restricting.

Title Sequence Graphic Match Test

 Graphic Match Test

This was a a quick test film we did in order to get a better idea of how our graphic match shall look, a graphic match is an editing technique used to help pass time by continuing an action or constant image throughout the scenes for example in this scene I am passing in front of a computer in room A, there is no indication of time passing however maybe a clock on the wall will help to show that, but in this example in room B, my pacing up and down is the constant movement linking the two scenes and the computer scene is still in the scene near enough exactly where it was in room A.

In our actual project we intend to use a much larger mirror meaning it will be more obvious the top left hand corner of the object is helping to transfer us from one location to another. We will also have a clearer room difference and larger rooms to play with, meaning we can have a larger variety of shots as apposed to just a MS or closer as the rooms we used for this were quite space restricting.

Making the Fake Money

We had to make lots of fake money for our rich man scene and the cheapest way to do this is by making our own. Its is very easy and looks realistic for the scene. The link is the process I used to make the fake money.

The video shows me tea staining the paper so it has                
an old and battered effect.

Falling Money Test

In the scene of the vision for the rich man we have falling money. We hadn't tried anything like this when filming our preliminary task or film opening last year so we thought it would be a good idea to test out. We quickly cut up some paper to look like money and began.

First we tried out just throwing money from one side of the camera, this is the first try in the video. Then we found it didn't look very good as it only fell down one side of the person.

We then made some more money and tried having two people throwing money from both sides. When watching this back it looked much better and it gave the effect we were aiming to achieve, so this is the method we are going to use.

Monday 19 October 2015

Split Screen

Split Screen

we did some research into making the split screen for the phone calls in our short film however last year for our creative project we did extensive research and planing into a triple split screen for our thriller opening, as this was one of the big post production processes we used. this year we intend to do dual split screens but three in quick succession with a single conversation running throughout the entire split screen process. we intend for one character to call each of his friends and have the same conversation with each of his friends however one friend will pick up the phone then hear the first bit of the conversation and the middle will go to the 2nd friend, the final friend will hear the last of the call and then hang up. have a running conversation effect and not bore the audience with 3 similar phone calls as that can be very monotonous.

Graphic Match

A graphic match a transitional device used in editing. its main intention is to skip backwards or forwards in time while A) maintaining a continuity of action or B) creating a metaphorical link between images that bookend the cut.  it can serve comedic dramatic or purely ideological purpose. a good example of a graphic match would be in 2001 space odyssey when they transition from the cave man era on a planets with a bone throw, the scene fades from the bone to a space station in outer space.  we intend to use this process inside of our film to transition the main protagonist from the vintage shop with the mirror to his room. However we will keep the mirror in the bottom of the screen so the top back of the mirror is seen as well as the protagonist pacing in front of the mirror both in the shop and in his room.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Costumes and Characters

Rich man-
He is a confident person, the leader of the group, he is very excitable as he was the one who found and brought the mirror. Throughout the film his costume will just be normal teenage clothes. When his scene with the vision happens h will be wearing a suit/smart clothes surrounded by falling money which we are going to make.

The celebrity character is also fairly confident. He will also be wearing normal teenage clothes. In his vision scene he will be wearing a smart suit, Very slick looking.  Authentic red carpet clothing with backdrop done through green screen, with red carpet underneath.  The green screen behind is a maybe at the moment as we are unsure weather we are able to do it well. 

Normal daytime clothes for both male and female character. I both vision scene and throughout. They will be surrounded by falling rose petals and paper hearts pinned around them. We are also making these.

Normal regular clothes For the hanging scene, preferably a skirt to show that it is the same person she is looking at. Her character is very shy and subdued throughout the whole short film. Her body language will show this, mainly by being reluctant to look in the mirror

Research into filming in front of a mirror.

                                                            FILMING RESEARCH
 We understood the difficulties we may face filming in front of a mirror, we could face certain continuity errors such as seeing the camera or breaking the 180 degree rule. we originally thought that using certain angles so that the character is seen but the camera isn't however this we cause restrictions, i believe we will use the process shown in the video along with use angles to hide the camera so we can get a combination of different camera angles in the mirror scenes as apposed to just one.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

First Animatic.

First Animatic 

the real time run through of our plan to our creative coursework, to around 3 minutes and 45 seconds however we intend for our project to be longer than this as we were unsure of timings in this animatic as we intend to play with this in the editing process, we will be filming a lot of extra footage and longer shots in order to have a variation in the editing process and hopefully extending the time of our short film to roughly 5 minutes.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Prop List

  • An old looking vintage mirror- Ideally Full length. - Ed is planning to get a mirror off of someone at his work place.

      Other Items in the shop
  • Mobile Phone
  • Fake money- we are planning to make the fake money ourselves. We are going to do this by lightly tea staining A4 paper and then printing off   money.
  • Fake Gold Bar or Money Bags?
  • Red Carpet- Buy one from Amazon - £5.34
  • Rose Petals - Homemade out of Tissue Paper
  • Nail Varnish
  • Camera's - strobe lighting to make it look like there is paparazzi

Thursday 1 October 2015


Typically it is very hard to fit any short film into a certain genre, this is the same with ours. This is because our plot has elements of a lot of different genres. The Genres our short film loosely fit into the genres Mystery, Thriller and Horror as our plot involves a supernatural mirror and the scene at the end showing a morbid future this has strong hints of horror. However the rest of  the movie is kind of mystery/thriller as they find a mysterious object and experiment with it, also we are going to use non-diegetic sound to build up suspense towards the end of the film and to convey different emotions. The fact our short story doesn't have a particular category it fits into , means we wont have any particular group of conventions we can put into our short film.

Wednesday 30 September 2015


 After we had started to storyboard someone in our class read through our synopsis. They pointed out a fault that we hadn't noticed. They said that surely it wouldn't be a vision of what they want to be in the future it would be what their future turns out to be. This is as the girl who kills herself wouldn't be shocked if she wanted to kill herself. This fault hasn't really changed anything major just a change to the synopsis.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pre-Production Roles

Location Scout- Kate

Prop Buyer- Ed

Story Board Artist- Ed

Animatic Director- Kate & Ed

Sound Director- Kate

Lighting Director- Ed

Screenwriter- Kate & Ed

Camera Operator- Ed

Costume- Kate

Hair & Make-up designer/Buyer- Ed & Kate

Initial Plot Idea's

This is our first mind map of our ideas, after watching the short films each other analysed we discovered we would like to do something involving a mirror. After thinking up a few different possibilities we got the idea of including a mirror like something out of the Harry Potter series where it shows what you want to see not reality. We thought this would be the one we would be able to pull of the best without it getting to complicated with the editing and it would be the most understandable for the audience as its only going to be about 5 minuets long.

After a few different plots we drew out a more detailed plan of what we are going to do, involving a beginning, middle and end. We worked out how many characters we wanted and the order of which things happened.

Thursday 24 September 2015

"Brady" - Short Film Analysis

The opening shot of this short film is a close up of someone being dressed. After two jump cut we fee a close up of a little boys face. Because of the close up we can see that his facial expression is very sad looking. Aldo we can see that there are handles behind him, this shows us that he is in a wheelchair. The titles then come on screen after a fade to black. The font is very simple with the letters in capitals on a black background. This is the point the non-diegetic starts. It is fairly loud and has a sad and emotional feel to it despite having only a few instruments. A long shot of the little boys bedroom is very stereotypical of what you would expect someone his age to have, because of the shot type and the composition in the frame we are able to see props such has a globe, world map and solar system poster. As well as this we also see Brady's mum carry him from the wheelchair and onto the bed. This lets the audience know right front he beginning the severity of his disability and that he cant use his legs at all. The non-diegetic sound then drops when his mum exits the room and turns the light off. It goes from quite a high pitched tone to a lower pitch, this signifies the drop in his emotion as she leaves, therefore telling the audience that he doesn't like to be alone or away from his mother. By doing this it shows that the relationship between Brady and his mum is very close and he is quite attached to her, this may be because of his disability.  Along with the change in non-diegetic sound, there is a heightened Foley effect. The sound of the clock ticking suddenly gets very loud, showing how Brady is listening to it, thinking the time is going very slowly.

The next shot is of a new setting, the kitchen. A cleverly composed shot of the mum reveals a lot about her life. Firstly you have how cluttered everything is. There are pieces of paper pinned up on every bit of spare space along with a box filled with loose sheets. She also is drinking some wine, and not just a glass. There is a large wine glass and a bottle, and when she pours it we can see it is nearly empty. From this scene we are also let known that she is a single mother as there is no partner around or anything suggesting there is someone to help her. During this scene we can see that she isn't thinking about the work shes doing as when she pours her drink, she imagines it as someone jumping into water. The red in the wine shifts over to red swimming shorts, along with this the change in colour from very bright yellow light to dark grey shows us it is an imagination.

We start to get hints that the mother in in love with the swimming instructor from her on, through a mixture of shot type, angle and body language. The first hint we get is when there is a long shot of them arriving at the pool. Both the mum and the swimming instructor touch bend down to talk to Brady and when they touch hands it is shown through a close up. This shows that it is significant and the director wants us to notice it. The time when Brady is in the swimming pool with the instructor, the mother is pretending to read a magazine however you can see that she is not reading it but watching. Normally you would think that she was watching her son but a very important shot shows that it is not the case. There is a medium shot of the group following from an eye line match from the mums point of view, in the pool and then it zoom in, however the closer it gets it goes into a close up of the swimming instructor not her son. Accompanied by the non-diegetic music the shot is something similar to one you would get in a teenage high school movie when someone has an inappropriate crush on the teacher or hunk of the school.

After this they are drying off. There is a long shot which lasts for a very long time, nearly a minute. This shot is from the point of view of Brady. He watches his mum get rejected from he instructor. During the conversation you cant really hear what they are saying but the swimming instructor does shake his head and then pass the number back. Brady may think that his is because of him.