Sunday 29 November 2015

"Dreams of a life" Film Poster Analysis

"Dreams of a life" is a low budget British film,
The overall colour of the film poster is very dark. It is mainly dark grey, with the only light being what is coming through the window. The dark colour theme really co insides with the tag line "If you went missing...would anyone come looking" as this is a pretty dark sentence and a representation about what is coming in the film.The main image features a woman standing up in what looks like a flat, looking out of a window. The camera is shooting from behind and with the lighting coming from the front the woman is pretty much just a silhouette. Through the props we can see that the inside of the flat, presumably hers, is quite dismal.The only things we can see lying round are some house plants, it has a very clinical feel to it. The woman is standing looking out the window down onto what looks vaguely like a town/city. The way the bright light is coming through the window signals how much better life outside is. It is much happier and maybe the woman is idealising it. This may give some clues about what is to come in the narrative. However the main give away is the news paper clipping inserted at the bottom left hand corner. It has a headline stating "Woman dead in flat for 3 years". This really gives away what the film is about as you can link the woman in the main image to the newspaper clipping. 

The layout of the poster is very simple, with the main image taking up the whole of the background. There are some reviews on the left hand side but they are fairly small and don't disrupt the main picture. The title takes the centre is a very plain font, I would say it looks like a font you would typically see on a "Rom-Com". However from having the newspaper clipping on the poster it reminds me of what you would see in a news paper, sort of a "Times New Roman" type font.

The genre of the film is represented by the title, tag line and main image. To me it say that it is a thriller documentary. This is because the thriller part coming from the newspaper clipping and dark colours. The fact that it is about a death instantly tells us the genre. The documentary comes again from the newspaper clipping, it is a real clipping and that tells us that it has actually happened in real life. 

1 comment:

  1. Good analyse but where are your images,

    Ed - where is your poster analysis?

    Generally, your blogging is too text reliant. you need to include far more imagery, moving image, hyperlinks, discussion etc. Hope you getting behind is now behind you and that you start on both poster and review this week.

    Kate poster research is level 2 due to lack of mages and only having completed two and a half of the four.
