Wednesday 2 December 2015

I Thought I Told You To Shut Up Film Poster Analysis

The short film poster is done a bit differently to many other film posters i have seen, this one contains no imagery only illustrations this give the angry looking milkman on the cover of the poster a very comedic edge as it is drawn in an almost cartoonistic style, the largest name on the front of this poster is the narrator, Jonathan Demme. the cartoon milkman on the front is not the main character of the documentary, but the focus point. there is no tagline however i believe the title in itself has that blunt cleverness to it, properties of a tagline. the illustration style on the poster is continued through into the short film, linking the two and creating some really cool animation. the title is in large bubbly black font at the top of the poster, it is a textured font which gives it some age, the look of the milkman and his van show the audience that the illustrations are not set in our time frame but perhaps a couple of decades ago. the billing block at the bottom of the page is done in a different font to the title however looks and works well as a billing block, beneath of it are the production companies such as milkman productions 2015, Bellmedia, BravoFACTUAL and La Rue. next to these is the website i really enjoy the overall layout of the poster from text to image, hte large title at the top is shown above some very effective illustrations in both the foreground and background of the image, and some more condensed info-graphic text at the bottom of the page ties the needed information into the poster.

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