Tuesday 13 October 2015

First Animatic.

First Animatic 

the real time run through of our plan to our creative coursework, to around 3 minutes and 45 seconds however we intend for our project to be longer than this as we were unsure of timings in this animatic as we intend to play with this in the editing process, we will be filming a lot of extra footage and longer shots in order to have a variation in the editing process and hopefully extending the time of our short film to roughly 5 minutes.


  1. Just a thought, if the film is called MIRRORS, you could play around with the letter I and create a mirror from this that maybe flashes, reflects. Just a thought.

  2. Really well drawn.
    Remember, look for as many opportunities to show off your editing skills of Shot reverse shots, match on action and eyeliner matches, and not breaking the 180 degree rule. In fact I would consider a separate post just on the continuity editing techniques that you intend to use and when and plan them out and use images to make such a post visually interesting.

  3. You are making good progress, but i need you to show a lot more evidence of planning

    Location research - images and permissions and risk assessments for all.

    Actors - planning times , contact with them, discussions with them

    Full character development for each of the films characters - facial expression, body lang, costume, props etc - really think about each one and write a post on each one.

    Animatic with commentary.

    Experimentation - the falling money scene for example or the hanging scene - you can have full blown rehearsals for these in the college and film then and upload with any thoughts on how to improve them
