Wednesday 6 January 2016

Kate's Evaluation Question 3.

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

From the first stages of creating our short film we decided that our target audience is 15-19 year olds both genders. We decided on this for 3 different reasons.

  1. We like the film, both Ed and I are really enthusiastic about the plot itself, we are biased but we had researched similar films and both really liked them and it inspired us to make a similar film. 
  2. We wanted to make a film which would appeal to this age group as it is easier for us to get audience feedback as we are always around this age group.
  3. Thirdly, we think our film would be shown on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. These websites main audience is this age group so they would be the type of people to watch it if they came across our short film.
We collected feed back in a number of ways: 

Firstly there is general advice: This is an unofficial way to get feed back but you end up subconsciously using a lot of it. In general chat around the classroom, between both Ed and I, as well as the teachers there small things we talk into account without thinking about it. From people knowing the process of making a short film they give good advice. They are also all around the same age as us therefore our target audience which makes it even more helpful. 

Blogger: We also used blogger to get feedback from our teachers. They are not in our target audience age bracket however they know what they are talking about and can give us their opinion on what they think is best. Our teachers also know us personally therefore know our capabilities so they are not afraid to tell us what we are capable of. they are also experts on the media conventions so can advise us on that. 

Survey Monkey: We also used the website survey money to get a response from people in our target audience who we don't know. This gave us a true insight into what people would think. With this information we could put it into charts to see the statistics clearly and react to what we found. 

Our Results:
The whole point of conducting a survey or asking peoples opinion is to improve our final product while suiting it to what the target audience want and expect. We wanted to find out weather the title suited the genre, sound, and the poster.


From the outdet of creating our short film we had decided that the title would be "Mirrors". Throughout the project that is what we refered to it as. However when it came to creating the title screen we were unsure weather this would suit the film. We asked the SurveyMonkey and as it turned out the majority said it was social realism/thriller, which is what our film is. This showed to us that it was what the audience thouht would suit the film even withoout giving any of the plot away.


When it came to the editing process we didnt know weather or not to put in non diegetic music and if any, what type? We put this on the survey and founf out that most said, silence. We acted on this as it is what the target audience wanted. It is always best to go with these suggestions as it id who would be watcing the film. This was very useful as it cut out a lot of deliberating and in the end it suited the scenes well. 

Title Screen:

For a third question we decided we would as weather the target audence thought our title screen fit our genre. Thankfully the majority said yes so we kept it as it was and put it in our short film.

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