Monday 18 January 2016

Ed Evaluation Q3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Target Audience

Our target audience is 15-19 year olds both genders. We decided on this for 3 different reasons.

  1. We like the film, both kate and I are really enthusiastic about the plot itself, we are biased but we had researched similar films and both really liked them and it inspired us to make a similar film. 
  2. We wanted to make a film which would appeal to this age group as it is easier for us to get audience feedback as we are always around this age group.
  3. Thirdly, we think our film would be shown on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. These websites main audience is this age group so they would be the type of people to watch it if they came across our short film.  

After figuring out our target audience we figured the best way for us to find out what people in this age bracket wanted to see was to ask them either in person online or in any other means, we formulated some pie charts and surveys in order to figure out what we needed to include/change/apply to our film in order for it to suit the people in our target audience alot better.  

 we began our audience feedback by deciding if our title fit our movie genre, our movie doesn't fit a genre specifically but loosely fits a couple of genres, we wanted to see if our target audience would see if our movie fit at least one of these titles. the slightly vague title means that not much information is revealed about the movie building enigma even in the title stages. the fact enigma is built swayed the voters to select the social realism/thriller as this is a generic convention of these styles of film.
Both Kate and i were very stuck when it came to deciding whether or not our film had a running sound track or a on/off soundtrack, if we decided to have a running soundtrack we would have done more audience feedback work and decided whether to have a parallel or contrapuntal soundtrack. after the audience feedback we decided against a soundtrack this was also helped along by the fact we had time restraints, if we were to redo our project i would probably push for their to be a suiting soundtrack as i feel like it would have helped set the mood for the film and made key points stand out alot more if the soundtrack was contrapuntal.

this was our last piece of audience feedback we made a survey on survey monkey and surveyed a few generic points about our film from the title to the tension points we also surveyed the title sequence which we made up on Photoshop we wanted to see if this accurately portrayed the message our movie was sending about good and bad. from the response we got from the title scene question we felt we made good choices in choosing this title and way of presenting the title.

 in these audience feedback the first thing Kate and i did was to apply them to our work as it is all good getting the feedback but applying the feedback to our work really makes the difference, luckily the audience feedback supported a lot of our existing choices in the film making process so little was actually tweaked, i feel if we went into more detail with our question of our audience feedback the results we got may have been more applied and would have affected our work in a more substantial way.

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