Wednesday 6 January 2016

Kate's Evaluation Question 2.

Q2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When creating our short film we also had multiple ancillary products which would be used in the real commercial world to market a film, these were a film poster and a Little White Lies review. The combination of this would be successful in a campaign to market our short film to the intended demographic which was 15-19 year olds of both genders we done this through designing each part to entice this group of people.

Our Film Poster

The whole point of a film poster is to attract your target audience and to give them a taster of what the film is about while not giving too much away. The film poster is the publics first impression of the film and it is displayed all around the country (or for bigger feature films, globally). We had to plan what we were going to include in the poster and what images we were going to put on the front. To do this we researched other short film posters to see what the conventions are for similar films. Feature length films usually targeted as many people as possible to build as wider audience as possible. We were creating a short film independently so we wouldn’t be able to access the same resources as big productions could. When releasing a film, production companies make film posters to build a brand. There are always similarities between the two and feature films also release a trailer where again, they have similarities. This is so the audience make those links and the film sticks in their mind an example of this is the typography of the title. These would be all be the same weather on the poster, trailer or the film itself.

On our poster we had to pay careful attention to what was on our poster to make sure it provoked interest and told the perspective audience what the film was about while still withholding a bit of enigma. We decided to put an image of each character on the poster and they were reflected off of each other. This gives a clue about the mirrored aspect of the plot and adds an interesting look to the poster to stand out amongst the rest. Our plan was for the target audience to focus their attention on our poster and wonder why they are reflected as well as the title “Mirror”. We put on a subtle filter over the whole thing which the audience could possibly relate to what an old mirror looks like, which was the effect we were aiming to create.



Our Film Review

When creating our Little White Lies review we had to detach ourselves from what it would be like in the real world as in reality we wouldn’t have any control or say in what they would write about our film and we had to write it ourselves. Little White Lies is a very professional magazine which has a demographic of typically men aged between 25-35 who are film fanatics or work in the creative industry. This means that the demographic of the magazine does not match the target audience of our short film however because of the genre of thriller/mystery it could create some interest for older viewers. However the magazine is stocked in multiple shops around the country including Urban Outfitters, which is a shop which targets the same age group as our short film does.

Having a Little White Lies review is very good for our marketing and advertising because of the professional feel it has they wouldn’t slate a film they try to tell it how it is and build up a fair picture of what the film is like. Also because of the types of people who read the magazine (the film enthusiasts) they may watch the film anyway if it got a good review. They also use an image from the film which gives a taster of the plot and describes the plot. The review also includes a rating in three different aspects.

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